Ever wonder why June weddings are so popular?

Ask any of the talented stylists at any of our Cleveland hair salons, and they’ll tell you that it’s true – June is a popular month for weddings. We’ve been seeing many brides-to-be looking for that perfect style for their wedding at our Strongsville OH hair salon as well as our Broadview Heights and Parma salons – and we’re looking forward to seeing them again on the big day!

We know why brides choose Illusion Unlimited for beautiful special occasion styles – year after year, we are ranked as the best hair salons in Cleveland!

What we didn’t know was why June was such a popular choice for weddings, so we did a little digging and it turns out there are all kinds of theories – some more plausible than others. 

Why Wed in June? 


  • One of the most popular explanations for the popularity of June weddings goes back to ancient Rome. The month of June, you see, is named for Juno, the Roman goddess connected to just about every aspect of a woman’s life – especially married life. 
  • According to the Farmer’s Almanac, “The idea of June weddings also comes from the Celtic calendar. On the Cross-Quarter Day of Beltane, or May Day (May 1), young couples would pair off to court for 3 months and then be wed on the next Cross-Quarter Day (Lammas Day, August 1). Youths being impatient, the waiting period was shortened to mid-June, and the popularity of June weddings was ensured.
  • The Farmer’s Almanac also points out the you’re more likely to have good weather in June, something that was an important consideration in the days when people often traveled by horse and carriage on dirt roads.  
  • These days, there might be a more practical reason, according to the Topeka and Shawnee Public Library. “If a person marries in June, he or she is considered to have been a married person for the whole financial year: July 1 to June 30,” the point out, rather unromantically. “As a married person was thought to have greater obligations than a single person, the rate of income tax collected was lower. So by marrying in June, a lower rate of income tax would be applied to the year’s earnings, and a substantial refund would be received. This was traditionally used to defray the costs of the honeymoon.”


Whenever you choose to tie the knot, we hope you’ll make our Parma, Ohio salon part of your big day!

Home of The “In-Balance” Design Consultation™

To better meet each guest’s unique needs and ensure total happiness with each visit, we developed our trademarked “In-Balance” Design Consultation. The goal is to recommend a hair design that truly works for you based on your features, proportions and who you are. The “In-Balance” Design consultation is designed to bring balance to your appearance in three essential ways. Our hair designers create a hairstyle that:

  1. Makes your head appear to fit your body in a way that balances your silhouette.
  2. Makes your hair appear to balance your facial features.
  3. Encompasses the “Total You.” (How you feel about your appearance—what you like and don’t like about yourself—is the determining factor regarding your hairstyle and even the clothes you wear.)